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Reason for block:

Hello again,

On and , in response to questions from me, you’ve claimed that you’ve added maxheight etc. values from local knowledge.

In the last 8 days, you’ve mapped 230 maxheight values. Are you really trying to suggest that every one of these also “local knowledge” as well? It’s reasonable to assume that someone may know a few local bridge heights from memory, but 230 across the south-east of England is worthy of Hitchcock’s Mr Memory - am I right sir?

Taking just one of these, , as an example, there you’ve claimed on the changeset that the imagery used was “Bing aerial imagery”. I’ve checked the Bing Aerial Imagery there, and maxheight isn’t visible there, so that rules that out as a potential sorce too.

This unfortunately points to a recurrence of the “copying from Google” that you admitted to on (you said “the sources I use are mainly Google Street View and personal experience. I’ve added restrictions from signage and the latest street view images”). As I pointed out, we can’t use Google Street View or other Google products as a source in OSM because Google’s licence doesn’t allow it to be used here.

When you have read this message please update all your changesets from the last 8 days with what the source really was. If it was incompatible with OSM’s licence we’ll have to revert and redact. Please do not try to claim that all the sources were “local knowledge”; because that would clearly be implausible and we’ll have to assume, based on previous behaviour, that you’ve just copied from Google Street View and revert/redact anyway.

Also, if you carry on mapping after reading this message without doing this then we’ll have to assume that you did just copy from Google. Based on the evidence we have right now, it does unfortunately seem to be the most likely source.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group.