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1 day
Ended .
Reason for block:

Quoting from :

Unfortunately your more recent edits, such as , also seem to be causing problems, and your reply seems to be of the exact form (“I am right and you are wrong”) that you were asked to avoid previously. You will therefore be asked to take a short break from mapping to give you time to reassess the attitude with which you are approaching this project.

Unfortunately, based on your comments at , that seems not to have worked.

You will therefore be asked to take a slightly longer break from mapping to give you time to reassess the attitude with which you are approaching this project.

You can contact OSM’s Data Working Group by email at , but for community “how to map” questions the talk-gb mailing list is definitely the place to start.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend,

On behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group.