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Comment from ZeLonewolf on 5 March 2024 at 00:13

Thank you for bringing visibility to this important topic!

Comment from slice0 on 5 March 2024 at 00:20

and thankyou for creating the thread, I can include it in my police report to show that this project has a coordinated effort behind the harassment I have received from this community

Comment from ZeLonewolf on 5 March 2024 at 00:21


Comment from slice0 on 5 March 2024 at 00:26

someone linked a mass edit proposal that I made from that thread, and thus my proposal was brigaded by skillful trolls. I had to recreate my mass edit proposal in the end.

Comment from jimkats on 5 March 2024 at 00:39

What did you comment there that got hidden?

Comment from slice0 on 5 March 2024 at 00:43

I said “wow look at the sad old men in this thread, theres even DWG members here as well wow” thats when I first saw the thread. And yeah lmao the users of that thread hid my comment pretty quick

Comment from SomeoneElse on 5 March 2024 at 00:49

Ahem. At the risk of pouring cold water on one of the dumpster fires, it should be noted that the “world-class trolling” comment is here.

I don’t believe that the poster was being entirely serious, given that the next suggestion was “Perhaps you should check the Geneva Conventions to see if :popcorn: is allowed to be used against lawful enemy combatants? I am now wondering if we should send the Red Cross into this thread…”

There’s a long tradition of trying to make serious points through humour - it helps the message get across. See any episode of Last Week Tonight, or going a bit further back, Clarke and Dawe or Beyond the Fringe.

No-one’s harrassing you. People (including me) have been trying to help you understand why the reaction to some of what you’ve been saying and doing has been negative, and trying to help you contribute to OSM in a way that won’t cause such friction.

Comment from GeeMaps! on 5 March 2024 at 10:46

“even has 2 DWG participants started off as a joke”

Yep, even DWG members are allowed to be normal mappers, & human beings, in their down time, so are allowed to share in “joke” threads!

Comment from slice0 on 5 March 2024 at 11:52

when the joke is at the expense of others it’s called harassment

Comment from SomeoneElse on 5 March 2024 at 17:15

@slice0 - can I ask a genuine question?

What makes you think that forum thread is about you? It was started in December. The first reference to anything related to you was in your own post linking to your own diary 17 hours ago. This post was edited to reference this forum thread only yesterday, and that was after the thread had been closed for the reasons described there.

Comment from slice0 on 5 March 2024 at 22:51

because my proposal was linked from that thread BEFORE it was closed, my proposal was brigaded from the users of that forum post.

Comment from gileri on 5 March 2024 at 23:04

I’m quite disappointed by your messages Richard and CactiStaccingCrane.

Do you think it’s a good idea to pile up on someone that feel hurt by this ? Even I’d you think that slice0 has no reason to feel this way, is it how you want to interact with fellow mappers ?

Comment from slice0 on 6 March 2024 at 00:28

am now labeling that thread as hate speech, this comment is trying to rally everyone up and get me banned, this IS a plain and simple example of harassment the DWG and board are letting slide with out consequence

Comment from snoozingnewt on 6 March 2024 at 03:47

Do you think it’s a good idea to pile up on someone that feel hurt by this ? Even I’d you think that slice0 has no reason to feel this way, is it how you want to interact with fellow mappers ?

I agree that reacting in that way isn’t helpful, but you are mistaking the forest for the trees. I want to post this so that other users can get a greater perspective on this argument.

If someone is being purposely inflammatory by saying things like “I can include it in my police report”, “I’m just waiting for another ban” (on the forums), “am now labeling that thread as hate speech”, it is downright impossible to constructively respond to them. If I, you, or anyone says that I think it’s just a clear sign that that person and the community is incompatible - and it also makes it hard to take accusations of personal hurt seriously. They have tried this in the past.

We are also disappointed with your accusations that fortera_au is stalking you and changing every one of your edits, when, as has been shown to you, they are simply mapping in the same area as you previously have. (first block)

On top of that, there’s certainly something to be said about the “fellow” in “fellow mappers”, as slice0’s edits have not only been confusing to the greater community without compromise for several months. That’s exactly why they were blocked twice before.

constant refusal to collaborate, your baseless accusations levelled against other mappers, and your attitude that you are the only person that knows how to map properly. (second block)

TL;DR This has been an issue for months now and slice0 is just looking for any way possible to cause division within the community at this point.

Comment from Richard on 6 March 2024 at 08:35

I’m quite disappointed by your messages Richard and CactiStaccingCrane.

Many people, including me, have tried to explain to slice0 over a long time how his challenges could be resolved and how his particular mapping interests could be reconciled with the community. He has shown no interest in doing anything other than his own way, all the time. Attempts to engage have been met with walls of text and paranoid ramblings about the police.

At some point you stop being constructive and just throw your hands up in the air. You may of course have superhuman patience in which case I can only applaud you.

Comment from gileri on 6 March 2024 at 22:38

you are mistaking the forest for the trees

It is not because I have omitted this POV that I missed it.

I adress it quite directly.

If you feel an user is unreasonable in face of such messages, why throw oil on the fire ? Are you fishing for an overreaction ? Because slice0 is right on that count; that’s harassment.

This has been an issue for months now and slice0 is just looking for any way possible to cause division within the community at this point

That is your point of view, that is shared surely by some others. It doesn’t make it right to be inflammatory, and it helps absolutely nothing. The point of all sides have been made. Be the bigger person. Don’t flame.

Comment from snoozingnewt on 7 March 2024 at 01:44

It is not because I have omitted this POV that I missed it. You have not at all on this thread. In fact, I only posted it because I thought that you had no idea about other people’s POV, which is because this thread does not contain a lot of the context.

Are you fishing for an overreaction ? Because slice0 is right on that count; that’s harassment. I don’t think anyone is doing this intentionally. If you do, please make a good case for it rather than throwing around accusations.

That is your point of view, that is shared surely by some others. I would say the first part is a fact and not a point of view. I would also say the second part is a fact and not a point of view. And yes, if someone is like that being inflammatory helps nothing. How would you go about solving that issue?

Be the bigger person. Don’t flame. This really comes across as snarky here even if it wasn’t your intention because you chose to go onto this diary and be inflammatory.

Comment from snoozingnewt on 7 March 2024 at 01:47

Awkward but… I formatted that wrong. (I’d appreciate if we committed to at least acting like what we say other people should act though.)

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