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OSM has failed me

Posted by n76 on 17 May 2017 in English.

Actually, failed is too strong a word. Annoyed or disappointed is better.

I am on a vacation in Bilbao which is a lovely city with friendly people, photogenic streets and very good food. But I can’t use Osmand or to find streets named in any of the tourist guides of even by the locals including the very nice staff at our hotel.

Why? Because the directions are in always in Spanish/Castilian and a year or so ago the many of the name=* tags for the streets here were edited to remove the Spanish names and have only the Basque names.

I have been consciously observing street signs and they are consistently are in both Basque and Spanish. Usually with Spanish on top. It is my understanding that OSM multilingual tagging calls for having all languages on the signs tagged. I have no issue with replacing the Spanish with Basque on the default name=* tags. But the Spanish names should have been put into name:es=* tags. That would allow visitors like myself a chance at a much better experience.

Imagine being able to find the street given to you by a friendly local who assumes, correctly, that you speak no Basque.

Not that it would have helped much with as I don’t see any setting in that app to specify display or search on anything other than the default name=* tag. Osmand does have a setting for specifying the language but I don’t know how well it works as the data is not in OSM for it to work with.

So here I am with a wonderful looking OSM based maps with an amazing number of points of interest. And I have apps that can give me detailed directions once I figure out where I want to go. But I am reduced to using Google to find my destination and then I need to compare the street geometry to see where the location is on my OSM based map.

Maybe not a “fail” for OSM, but definitely annoying and disappointing.


Comment from Richard on 17 May 2017 at 07:41

Do you know which changesets removed the Spanish names?

Comment from n76 on 17 May 2017 at 08:03

I am hampered by only having a mobile phone, not JOSM. I haven’t looked at all streets and am extrapolating. . .

The street that I looked at most closely is/was Calle El Perro (Spanish). It was changed by 36092421 to Txakur kalea.

Another example, unfortunately I am having difficulty with my phone’s browser, might be Alameda Recalde (as shown on a cash receipt) but shows as Rekalde zumarkalea on OSM. That might have a name:es=* tag but my phone is refusing to show me the data.

Comment from Zverik on 17 May 2017 at 09:56

Maps.Me shows local names based on your phone language settings. If your phone UI is in Spanish, it will use “name:es” for labels.

Comment from n76 on 17 May 2017 at 12:18

Good to know that if I change my phone language in the system settings will honor it. But that would make everything else on my phone miserable to use as I don’t know very much Spanish. So I’ll have to set and reset that every time I go into which is not very her friendly.

Comment from SomeoneElse on 17 May 2017 at 14:33

“Having MAPS.ME show names as if the the phone language was language XX” sounds like a feature request to MAPS.ME to me (and one that I’d find useful, too!).

Comment from ff5722 on 17 May 2017 at 14:34

If you have an Android phone with root, you could use Xposed to force the language for only one app:

However I think apps should allow the user to choose a locale independent of the system language.

Comment from n76 on 17 May 2017 at 15:27

Playing around with my Android crDroid 7.1.2 settings, it seems I can specify more than one language and can sort their preference order. If will honor that I think it would solve the display issue.

Unfortunately, it seems name:es=* are missing for this area so l see no effect on map display when trying various system settings.

I don’t recall the ability to specify multiple languages in the system settings before. Maybe it is new for Nougat. I will have to check my spouse’s Marshmallow phone to see if it can do that too.

Comment from n76 on 17 May 2017 at 15:36

Spouse’s Marshmallow phone with stock ROM from vendor only allows one language to be specified. I wonder if the multi-language system setting ability is a generic Nougat feature or specific to crDroid and/or other Lineage based ROMs.

Comment from ff5722 on 17 May 2017 at 15:40

This query will give all the named streets without a Spanish name:

I handpicked a few and checked the history but I couldn’t find any case where the Spanish name was removed later. I haven’t been to the area, so I wouldn’t know if all streets have a Spanish name. Hopefully the Spanish community will notice this post and add Spanish names where applicable.

Comment from n76 on 17 May 2017 at 16:13

The one I noticed first was Note that name=* was Spanish and changed to Basque with out adding a name:es tag. Could be ignorance on the editor’s part.

Here is the street my hotel is on Notice that it once had a name:es=* tag but that was removed in change This seems like it could be vandalism as an existing correct name:es was deleted.

Firefox for Android is fighting me: It will only show history on one object. I have to close and clear all storage to get history on another object. An then I have to open KeePass again to login here again as clearing Firefox loses the login. Sorry about that, otherwise I would dig up more examples. Almost wish I had brought my laptop on the trip. . .

Comment from alexkemp on 19 May 2017 at 22:52

> I wonder if the multi-language system setting ability is a generic Nougat feature or specific to crDroid and/or other Lineage based ROMs

I did not spend ages searching, but it does appear to be a stock feature of Nougat. eg However, such feature changes normally takes ages & ages to trickle down & be supported by non-Google apps.

Comment from trigpoint on 15 March 2023 at 11:49

A bit late, but OSMand has a map language setting so you can set the language displayed without changing the app language or phone language.

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