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Posted by mapmakerdavid on 14 January 2019 in English.

I’ve been reading and writing about how research on data quality about OSM can be done. What I found so far is that there so many ways to measure data quality because of various goals, expectations, values, and contexts that we the users have when we interact with OSM tech.

Here’s my latest research question: at what point does OSM become useful, for whom, why, and under which conditions?


Comment from GinaroZ on 15 January 2019 at 01:18

  • When it’s cheaper than other maps?
  • When it shows things that other maps don’t, like paths or new roads?
  • When it allows somebody to quickly fix an error on the map?
  • When it allow people to create a better map of their local area?

Comment from mapmakerdavid on 15 January 2019 at 11:53

Thank you so much for the feedback! That’s a very nice list of usability factors (and benefits) for us the prod-users (producer and user) of OSM.

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