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Address progress

Posted by contrapunctus on 23 January 2019 in English. Last updated on 4 February 2019.

This post was mostly motivated by the urge to note down some address mapping stats.

Vasant Vihar

  • Target [^1] - 1,296
  • Progress [^2] - 72
  • Remaining [^3] - 1,224

Image of Vasant Vihar building data in the JOSM editor, with buildings having address tags highlighted. Only a few patches of buildings are tagged.

[^1] (building=* or landuse=*) in "Vasant Vihar" and type:way

[^2] (building=* or landuse=*) and "addr:housenumber"=* and type:way

[^3] (building=* or landuse=*) and -"addr:housenumber"=* and type:way

Freedom Fighter Enclave

  • Target - 618
  • Progress - 145
  • Remaining - 473

Image of Freedom Fighter Enclave building data in the JOSM editor, with buildings having address tags highlighted. A significant number of buildings are tagged.


  • Target - 1,169
  • Progress - 14
  • Remaining - 1,155

Image of Saket building data in the JOSM editor, with buildings having address tags highlighted. Only a fraction of buildings are tagged.

I’ve started using Vespucci of late. Quite a breath of fresh air coming from OsmAnd, where I had to make an offline note for any operation it didn’t support. Not as fast as OsmAnd in adding data rapidly, though (e.g. bus stops when you’re mapping a bus route) - I eagerly look forward to the day when support for completely offline editing is added. I don’t imagine getting RSI from typing key values for each bus stop in OsmAnd to be too much fun 😏

I’m now the 42nd biggest contributor in India. Still the only regular in Delhi, as far as I can make out. Can’t map the whole of this gigantic city all by myself, let alone keep it updated. Not a good situation.

Sometimes I think that people around me might be more interested in contributing if they used a map which used OSM data…but I hesitate to recommend OsmAnd or MAPS.ME to them. One has bleeding-edge data but ugly rendering, and the other is polished in every aspect but the data is multiple months out of date. Also not a good situation. 😣


Comment from contrapunctus on 24 January 2019 at 04:26

Adamant1 - thanks for chiming in! Agreed on the Mapnik style - I already use it 😉 I rather meant the lag in rendering when zooming or panning, which is super-smooth in MAPS.ME (and Google Maps). They say they’re working on it… 🤷

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