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A few new firsts

Posted by contrapunctus on 18 March 2018 in English.

In the last few days -

I discovered that with this month’s [1] update of OsmAnd’s PT data, all my work on bus route relations was finally visible in the app. Suddenly, so many bus stops on the map of Delhi (in OsmAnd) now show bus routes - it is a wonderful feeling! :D It also means that I can now begin using OsmAnd to aid my own commuting.

I took my first two bus trips exclusively for the purpose of mapping them. (I recorded a GPS trace, and tried to add as many bus stops on the way using OsmAnd as I could. If I could spot benches or tactile paving, I’d tag that, too; if I saw another bus, I’d add a local OsmAnd note for it.) [2]

This also led to what is perhaps the first bus route relation in Delhi approaching completion - Bus 680 is (as far as I know) the first route relation in Delhi to have both the first and the last stop_position added. It still has some stops to be added, and some sections need to be surveyed, to be on the safe side.

Lastly, my faithful Moto G 5s Plus, which I had hoped to keep for at least ten years, was stolen - ironically as I was boarding a bus, guitar in hand. Most of my data was synced to my laptops via Syncthing and NextCloud…but not the ~500 local OsmAnd notes in it - of which ~300 were bus sightings. Oh well. The last few days I’ve been working off a borrowed Moto G with a cracked screen, waiting for the Moto G6 series to be launched.

[1] See issue #5078

[2] I added 28 stops this way on this trip; the total number of bus stops I’ve added in Delhi is now 388, accounting for 65% of the stops mapped in Delhi 😲


Comment from PlaneMad on 23 March 2018 at 05:19

Amazing work! Sorry about your phone though :/

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