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Working on "unbraid tool"

Posted by amillar on 23 April 2008 in English.

I am working on a perl script which can fix a "braided street" in US TIGER data, as described at

It is a command-line tool which will download and fix the ways and produce a file which you can open in JOSM to verify and upload.

It should be ready for others to try out within the next few days.

Ideally it would be a JOSM plugin, but I don't know Java. Yet. This just may be the project that pushes me to learn it.


Comment from Edward on 23 April 2008 at 10:24

Excellent, this is been on my todo list. Here is some Perl to find braided streets in a OSM data dump:


use strict;
use warnings;

open my $fh, "data.osm" or die $!;
my $state = 1;
my $way_id;
my %node_way;
my %way_node;
my %way_tag;
my %node_loc;
while (<$fh>) {
if ($state == 1) {
if (/ $2, lon => $3 };
/^ !) {
$state = 2; next;
close $fh;

my %look_at;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %node_way) {
@$v > 1 or next;
$way_tag{$_}{highway} and $look_at{$_} = 1 for @$v;

my %seen;
$seen{$_} or linked_ways($_) for keys %look_at;

sub api {
my $way = shift;
return "$way_tag{$way}{name} ([$way $way])";

sub linked_ways {
my $way = shift;
my $name = $way_tag{$way}{name} or return;
$way_node{$way} or die $way;
my %cross_way;
foreach my $node (@{$way_node{$way}}) {
my @ways = grep { $way_tag{$_}{name} } @{$node_way{$node}};
@ways or next;
$cross_way{$_}++ for @ways;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %cross_way) {
$v < 3 and delete $cross_way{$k}
%cross_way or return;
my $loc = $node_loc{$way_node{$way}[0]};
print "# [$loc->{lat}&lon=$loc->{lon}&zoom=17 map]: ";
$seen{$_} = 1 for keys %cross_way;
print join (", ", map api($_), $way, keys %cross_way);
print "\n";

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