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Richard's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Richard

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Working with the class:bicycle tag

Lots of administrations do release traffic data under an open licence - you’d be surprised!

But it’s something that we could and should survey for OSM. Broad-brush AADT equivalents (Average Annual Daily Traffic) are actually pretty easy to survey - the cut-off for safe cycling is often ~1000 cars per day, and you can extrapolate that pretty easily on many quiet roads.

Working with the class:bicycle tag

only GraphHopper seems to be using the class:bicycle tag for it´s routing

That’s because it’s a terrible subjective tag and shouldn’t be used. Much better to tag objective speed limits and traffic levels.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Vector Tiles (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Nice write-up!

One other significant milestone I’d mention is Kothic-JS, which I think was the first serious attempt to render OSM in-browser from Javascript as far back as 2011.

OpenStreetMap iD / OpenStreetMap ArcGIS comparison

At the risk of stating the obvious, ArcGIS is developed by a company with a budget of $1.1bn, while the OpenStreetMap Foundation has a budget of about £27.50 and one full-time employee. I’d honestly suggest if you have a problem with ArcGIS, you ask the $1.1bn company.

distasteful thread in the community forums encourages trolling

I’m quite disappointed by your messages Richard and CactiStaccingCrane.

Many people, including me, have tried to explain to slice0 over a long time how his challenges could be resolved and how his particular mapping interests could be reconciled with the community. He has shown no interest in doing anything other than his own way, all the time. Attempts to engage have been met with walls of text and paranoid ramblings about the police.

At some point you stop being constructive and just throw your hands up in the air. You may of course have superhuman patience in which case I can only applaud you.

distasteful thread in the community forums encourages trolling

animated gif of popcorn

The baseless "Whats on the Ground" vs the factual "Actual Nature of the Road"

If you want to have the discussion on the community forum, maybe stop trolling the user diaries?

The baseless "Whats on the Ground" vs the factual "Actual Nature of the Road"

The problem with this is that “Whats on the Ground” literally has no authority

Think you might be in the wrong project.

This is why Google/Apple maps will always be ahead; any company that relies on OSM for navigation will never catch up

Sheesh, learn how OSM works before mouthing off.

There are tags you can use for recording the official classification of a road. designation= is one of them. highway= is not.

The sheer effrontery of steamrollering in and changing an entire state’s highway tagging, because you somehow know better than every single mapper who has gone before in the 19 years of OSM, is really quite something.

The OSM Iceberg

That’s so good.

Who do you work for?

But no, I will not release my edits under a “Public Domain” license.

Tell me, what are these edits of which you speak?

Using Gamification to Increase the Use of Footpaths/ Rights of Way, and to Enhance and Validate OSM Data

Certainly lots of opportunities here. I’ve been intermittently working on an app (iPhone only so far) that has a couple of experimental features based on surveying and recording quality and overall impressions of rights of way. It’s in the App Store as Path Surveyor though given that your username ends in “_debian” I’m guessing you probably don’t have an iOS device ;). I’d like to do an Android version though that probably needs a bit more funding for development. is a really popular site for the whole “completist” idea though it’s more popular with cyclists than walkers, I think.

Mapping Sydney Billboards: Every QMS advertising panel in Sydney

Wow, that’s horrible! (the billboards, not the tagging)

Similar issues with them in Manchester, UK:

High danger in current OSM management of motorways junctions

That sounds like an issue in the app, not an OSM data problem. If you write a routing app (like I have!) then you have to ‘look ahead’ for turns and announce them well in advance. If Organic Maps is not announcing them far enough in advance, that’s its problem, surely?

Russian Annex Ukraine

Thanks for your enthusiasm but please, please, please don’t start on something so complex as disputed country boundaries in your first week as an OSM mapper!

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

At this point there’s zero reason the style doesn’t render vector tiles except for pure complacency and laziness.

Awesome. Look forward to your patch @Adamant1 given that it’s so easy.

The unfixable state of township boundaries

I’ll just leave this here…


This is OpenStreetMap, we have nothing to do with Snapchat. If you have a problem with Snapchat you need to talk to Snapchat.

Do not map like this (a collection of incorrect mapping practices)

If you don’t want to hear the awful sound coming from TTS saying “Turn right and then turn left” to “Continue”, then map like this.

I agree (and indeed I do generally map like that), but a halfway competent router will collapse the turn instructions in this case. For example:,-1.406647&toLL=51.896255,-1.405649

First week

I think this is enough for a diary entry; if there is demand, then I could write more about the following topics:

You’re welcome to, of course, but it wouldn’t be a very effective use of your time. OSM has plenty of people with bright ideas about how things could be improved. We’re less blessed with people prepared to put in the work to actually do it. If you have programming skills then you could try tackling a few issues on iD or the website; if not, you could perhaps put some hours into sorting out the wiki.