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Translate OpenBeerMap in your language !

Posted by OpenBeerMapContributor on 24 June 2014 in English. Last updated on 17 October 2014.

How it works :

It uses the browser to detect the language.

So, if your language is Spanish, you may see something like that :


Whereas I see this :


It uses Mozilla l20n lib.

But it seems not to work at all with Chrome/Chromium.

How to translate :

Create a file [your_language].l20n

The reference file is fr.l20n : it contains all the chains to translate.

Just copy them to your file, and translate !

When it’s ok, you can send them back to me by mail(openbeermap[at]gmail[dot]com) or via a github pull request.


Comment from EdLoach on 25 June 2014 at 07:35

Not related to the translation (my French isn’t good enough, sorry), but it only seems to show pubs that are nodes (and not pubs that are areas, or probably multipolygons - though I can’t think of any to check), and in the area I checked it is showing cafés as having beer which in England at least is rare. Another UK oddity might be real_ale=yes/no/* which if you’re going global would be of some interest to that particular target audience.

Comment from trigpoint on 25 June 2014 at 19:11

EdLoach is correct, the only pub that shows up in my hometown is the one that I have not yet converted to a building.

Hence this one shows.

and this one doesn’t

Comment from Shmias on 26 June 2014 at 14:02

The first thing I did was checking Hawaii 😄

Comment from OpenBeerMapContributor on 27 June 2014 at 15:41

Hi ! Thank you all for your feedback.

This is a known issue : only the nodes are displayed. This is not really a problem in France, because among 10 % only are ways.

Why do you convert nodes to ways ? We tend to do the opposite and convert the ways tagged bar to nodes.

No correction is planned at this time but the subject is still opened !

English people seems to love to be in contradiction with the French ones ! Cafe having draft beer is very common (maybe because we do not have so much pubs out there). And the tag real_ale=* is not used in France : really, exactly 0 occurrences !

So … I think OpenBeerMap cannot be global without some optimization to take into account the local specificities. I propose to define some locale profile :

Comment from JBacc1 on 29 June 2014 at 10:13

“Why do you convert nodes to ways ? We tend to do the opposite and convert the ways tagged bar to nodes.” Who does? Carefully, in some cases, it may be considered as vandalism (loosing geometry information).

“English people seems to love to be in contradiction with the French ones !” Why not write the opposite? “French people seems to love to be in contradiction with the English ones !” also works!

PS: yes, I’m a french guy, but sometimes, I read things that seem to lack some global vision.

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