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Just realised that the steles forming the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe don’t have the correct size. Though I salute to the mapper who mapped the memorial: is there someone who can give the steles their true size? Regarding to wikipedia they are 2.38m to 0.95m (with different height values).
I created one with the exact measures but think that it takes a little more to create all of them in file.

Location: 52.514, 13.379


Comment from Sanderd17 on 10 January 2015 at 10:51

Do you also know the space between the stones?

Else, I would suggest a scripted method:

  • Determine one corner of one stone with high precision, or maybe multiple corners to get a higher precision.
  • Calculate a grid of possible corner points using the dimensions of the stones and spaces between the stones.
  • Extract all corner points of those stones (f.e. via overpass), and round them all to their nearest position in the grid
  • Upload it again.

Of course, the result has to be checked in JOSM before the upload.

This method would work best when you have a high-precision position available for the site, or for one of the stones. If you don’t have that position, you can still work from an estimated position. In that case, the relative distances would still be correct, and when an exact position is known, all stones can be shifted together.

Comment from malenki on 10 January 2015 at 11:20

I don’t have more knowledge as described above. The aerial imagery is not too good, too. Maybe the operating foundation is willing to share some data?

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