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Last night I was working on the statistics display system for MapRoulette and realized that I don’t know what to display.

In the rewrite of MapRoulette, we knew that me trics would play a large role in the project, so we added in lots of statistic capturing capability, as well as piwik support for even more metrics.

We could track what challenge a user has worked on, where those challenge are, where specific tasks are, how difficult the challenges are, how a user classifies tasks, how long they spend on maproulette, even how long they spend (generally) on each task.

Similarly, we could collect a ton of metrics for challenges. How many users work on it, are there a few “super-users” or is it widely distributed? Are people saying the tasks are fixed, skipped or false positive, etc. We can even find out how long users spend in aggregate on the challenge, or even drill down to the tasks and find out when people walk away from them.

But amongst all the possibilities- what do MapRoulette users really want to see? What intouerests them? Stats about themselves? Stats about other users? Stats about challenges?

Tell me what kind of stats (if any) you’d like to see in MapRoulette?


Comment from SimonPoole on 18 April 2014 at 15:14

IMHO: KISS, completion percentage and absolute numbers over time is enough.

Comment from OpenBrian on 19 April 2014 at 01:01

Find out what referred them to MapRoulette.

Comment from mycae-gmx on 19 April 2014 at 22:13

Anything related to measurable data quality - eg number of times a user’s modification has been “re-fixed”, normalised by local edit rate.

Comment from Maskulinum on 19 April 2014 at 23:11

Stats about “I fixed it”, “This is not an error” and “Someone beat me”.

Comment from DaCor on 20 April 2014 at 00:27

I think the various tools Pascal Neis and others have produced over the years should answer your question…..Openstreetmap users love stats, give us more than we know what to do with :)

Comment from baditaflorin on 21 April 2014 at 23:26

I would like to see maprulette to be used so people add data from into osm.

I walk around bucharest and i add photos, in the hope that people will add the house-numbers, poi of interest, etc

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