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Public GPS Traces from SK53

by SK53 in car, Hanmer, Whitchurch, Woore, Stone, Uttoxeter, Derby, Nottingham

Hanmer to Nottingham by car

by SK53 in walk, car, Hanmer, Maelor, Overton, Trevor, Ruabon

From Pontycystlle to Hanmer (walking, ice cream then driving)

by SK53 in osmtracker

Desire path to scout hut

by SK53 in osmtracker, walk, Nottingham, NYPH

Nottingham city centre New Year Plant Hunt

by SK53 in Nottingham, Cottesmore, new build, Lenton

New houses Cottesmore Road

by SK53 in osmtracker

Test survey with NT at Clumber

by SK53 in osmtracker, Clumber Park, walk

Clumber heath paths off Lime Tree Avenue

by SK53 in South Derbyshire, Lees, PRoW, walk footpaths

Lees Footpath Mapping: morning session missing path Lees

by SK53 in South Derbyshire, Lees, PRoW, walk footpaths

Lees Footpath Mapping: afternoon session W of Lees

by SK53 in South Derbyshire, Osleston, PRoW, walk footpaths

Lees Footpath Mapping: morning session Osleston

by SK53 in Plumtree, footpaths, walk

PRoWs around Plumtree

by SK53 in leicester, car, Kirby Frith

Kirby Frith to Leicester station

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in Leicester, Kirby Frith, Western Park Golf Club, BSBI VC55, walk

Western Park Golf Club botanising

by SK53 in BSBI VC55, Kirby Frith, Leicester, Kirby Frith Nature Reserve, walk

Kirby Frith NR