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Public GPS Traces from Lee Carré

by Lee Carré in coast, path, steps, stairs, access, walking, foot, Jersey, urban, osmtracker, pedestrian

Traversing (down) the steps from South Hill (road) to Pier Road. The two roads are actually much closer than the map suggests.

by Lee Carré in park, urban, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking along (unmapped) path within South Hill Park.

by Lee Carré in industrial, coast, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking up and along the clear-cut footpath on the North-East side of the Ash Mound.

by Lee Carré in industrial, coast, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking up the stairs (South side) and along clearly trodden paths atop the Ash Mound behind the Energy from Waste plant.

by Lee Carré in church, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking along (unmapped) footpath within St. Saviour's Church graveyard, connecting the two main (West-East) halves of the yard across the wall running North-South.

by Lee Carré in church, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking along (unmapped) footpath between St. Saviour's Church graveyard and adjacent connecting track to Glebe.

by Lee Carré in church, Jersey, path, walking, foot, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking along (unmapped) footpaths within the graveyard of St. Saviour's Church. [Ignore the last several points which dart across the graveyard; they were added in error.]

by Lee Carré in urban, path, walking, foot, Jersey, osmtracker, pedestrian

Walking along footpath joining Le Clos Vaze and the park (at another point than already mapped)

by Lee Carré in path, osmtracker, Jersey, foot, walking, urban, pedestrian

Walking along connecting pathway between St. John's Road and Old St. John Road

by Lee Carré in path, urban, foot, walking, osmtracker, Jersey, pedestrian

Walking along paths around flats east of hospital