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OpenStreetMap iD / OpenStreetMap ArcGIS comparison

Posted by mpulve on 22 April 2024 in English. Last updated on 25 April 2024.

Why is OpenStreetMap ID not updated like OpenStreetMap ArcGIS? These are two different datasets that need to be linked/updated! Is ArcGIS taking over for OpenStreetMap and requiring a fee? ArcGIS needs to update OpenStreetMap ID if they participate! OpenStreetMap ArcGIS has not updated dataset in months! Please help with coordinating these two data set updates! Otherwise this in-browser edition will soon be obsolete! Use ArcGIS to compare your area with the link listed: ArcGIS OSM Are there any differences? Can anyone explain why? On the ArcGIS OSM there are more buildings that they imported from datasets. They should have updated the OSM ID data sets to match their information. Now there is a ArcGIS OSM version 2 that appears to be replacing ID OSM… ESRI

Location: Florence, Pinal County, Arizona, 85132, United States