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eginhard's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by eginhard

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3850085 confettiarenasabotage

"ce chemin est privé et il y a une barrière au bout"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: highway-path
#organicmaps android

closed 4049735 rriemann

I could not find this street

via StreetComplete 55.1

closed 3737136 Aisteru

"This is now a roundabout"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-06-02T17:16:21Z
POI name: Avenue des Paudex
POI types: psurface-paved_good hwtag-oneway highway-unclassified

closed 4130203 mobilarte

Place du Nord has been split into Place du Nord and Rue des Lavandières. On the document, Placed du Nord is smaller.

closed 2561429 billyonthemountain

Each part of this building seems to have different house numbers. Need to resurvey.

closed 3240363 eginhard

Fairly certain there was now only a mini-roundabout when I passed today, but could someone verify and update if necessary?

closed 3767816 eginhard

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 53.2:

Not a roundabout anymore

closed 3563105

Hier befindet sich ein neues Kunstwerk.
Nicht mehr "Dreiweib"
Antoine Poncet, Épurée, marbre blanc Sivec, 2013.
Acquisition en 2020, installation sur le giratoire de la Louve en 2020.

closed 2903118 eginhard

From anonymous note
"Gare LEB de Bercher:
Double quai, double voie, suppression de la remise en cul-de-sac."

These changes are not finished on the 2020 swissimage, so needs a survey or pictures?

closed 3445864 RemiBovard

Il devrait y avoir un défibrillateur dans la Migros, à contrôler sur place.

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