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Popolon's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Popolon

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High danger in current OSM management of motorways junctions

Thank for your answers. Organics maps do a first announcement, about 800m in advance at this speed if I’m not wrong. but the problem in this kind of large density area, is there are lot of exit in 800 meters, not only one every 100 km as in countryside. So you can’t know at which place you had to change, before the last time, and it’s too late too change. There is clearly no benefits at drawing this way, it change the real distance of roads (only the square of the hypotenus is equal to the 2 opposite one, not the distance itself) … It’s also not adapted when 2 ways are in parallel (as in A 6a/A 6b and A10 in between at some times, and you can change on several km between this roads. In France, but I suppose that work the same way elsewhere you have to go to the exit way as soon as possible to start to slowdown, with this model, where you don’t know if it’s the exit you want, you can’t do that.

North Korea is strange

OOOps, I wrote in french, sorry. I would say :

This looks like an habits in Asia. In China, most dams have their name in big characters, about the same size than this text. I also seen big text on mountain about olympic sport, or a bouddhique verse in tibetan writting near Qinghai lac. Need to add some pictures about that on commons, geotags them, and add them on OSM, using the image tag.

North Korea is strange

Visiblement c’est une habitude de mettre des écritures géantes sur les flancs de montagnes. En Chine, sur quasiment tous les barrages, le nom du barrage est écrit en grand caractères. Dans certaines régions, j’ai vu des caractères parlant de jeux olympiques ou encore un verset bouddhique en tibétain près du lac Qinghai (je vais mettre tout ça sur wikipedia commons quand j’urais le temps et les lieraient avec les emplacement sur OSM je pense (merci le tag image).

OSM & FlighGear Flight Simulator

I’m not sure of what you speak about, didn’t find your page ?

You can donwload for all main systems here, and on linux and *bsd, it’s generally included in standard distribution packages:

OSM & X-Plane

Hi, flightgear flightsimulator, the open source and free software flight simulator is integrating slowly OSM data too, for now, integration is in test phase, but everything should be automated more or less soon. There are already custom scenary made by third party contributors that use OSM for whole country, like France by Patrouille de France, or big part of the Eastearn Europe here :