
NunoCaldeira's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by NunoCaldeira

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Quick update on Maxar imagery

FIY those that miss Maxar imagery to map on OpenStreetMap, it’s still available on RapiD.

Validating Parks from Pokemon Go users (well mostly...)

@Oponka thanks for the compliment about being malicious. so you registered on OSM just to comment on this diary?

The Maps Team at Facebook is excited to announce RapiD Editor Partner Testing

It’s funny that Facebook creates an editor and does not attribute OpenStreetMap in every map (static, thumbnail. browsable) that contains OSM data and comply with ODbL 4.3:

“4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you Publicly Use a Produced Work, You must include a notice associated with the Produced Work reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses, views, accesses, interacts with, or is otherwise exposed to the Produced Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database, Derivative Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it is available under this License.”

You are in brech of ODbL by not complying as in 9.1: “9.1 Any breach by You of the terms and conditions of this License automatically terminates this License with immediate effect and without notice to You. For the avoidance of doubt, Persons who have received the Database, the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents, Derivative Databases, or the Database as part of a Collective Database from You under this License will not have their licenses terminated provided their use is in full compliance with this License or a license granted under Section 4.8 of this License”

Worst is Facebook is setting a TERRIBLE example of how to use Open Data without following it’s guidelines.

You are using Mapbox services, which Terms of Service under 10, requires attribution to remain intact: “you will display our required branding and attribution, including all links, when you use the Services, as outlined in our documentation” and the documentation heads to which states (and notice the word STRICTLY): “The text attribution contains at least three links: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap and Improve this map. This attribution is strictly required when using the Mapbox Streets tileset due to OpenStreetMap’s data source ODbL license.”

And by the way, thanks for never replying to my email of 6th of December 2018, as we started exchanging emails on my initial request for facebook to attribute the maps on the 25th of August of 2018. Yes that’s 9 months, in 270 days and Facebook still didn’t manage to add a simple “© OpenStreetMap contributors” and comply with the required attribution as mentioned on “We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors”.”

I truly hope a lot of OpenStreetMap contributors sue Facebook, as they only granted their data to OpenStreetMap Foundation to be used under ODbL, as in the contributor terms 3 “3. OSMF agrees that it may only use or sub-license Your Contents as part of a database and only under the terms of one or more of the following licences: ODbL 1.0 for the database and DbCL 1.0 for the individual contents of the database; CC-BY-SA 2.0; or such other free and open licence (for example, as may from time to time be chosen by a vote of the OSMF membership and approved by at least a 2/3 majority vote of active contributors. “

I hereby publicly request the OSMF, as the Licensor under ODbL 9.4 c) to notify Facebook and remove their rights under ODbL, if the violation is not fixed after 30 days of notice.

An email with this content will be sent to the individual members of the Board of OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Observe - cross-platform, offline, field mapping tool for OSM


Observe - cross-platform, offline, field mapping tool for OSM

Hi, trying to get a spin on this, however when i try to login on OpenStreetMap via your API it always returns that the password is wrong (and its not, i triple checked on OSM website on mobile and laptop). any suggestions?

500K Mapillary Images

great effort. keep up the great work

Deriviste, an experimental big-screen street-level editor

Great suggestions LivingWithDragons. Richard this idea to mention the source and survey date is already being done on Pic4review. I’m sure it can be cloned and adapted to your amazing editor. Keep up the good work

Deriviste, an experimental big-screen street-level editor

great work! few suggestions: add more layers (having Public Transport helps if you are mapping bus stops); in areas with a lot of imagery, its almost impossible to see the map (yes i know we can turn off the mapillary layer), but maybe decreasing the size of photo location on the map would help; mention that you should zoom in if you want to map, lets say a waste basket, so that the georreference will be improved instead of having the photo as taken and having less accuracy.

Awesome tool that can help improve armchair mapping a lot. Keep up the great job

Cámara de acción para usar con Mapillary

you can use GeoSetter to add geotag to your photos with a gpx file (you can record on OSMTracker on your smartphone). make sure to sync the time on your camera to your phone.

Edição nº 2000: Brasil, Largo São João em Laranjal Paulista refeito

Belo trabalho Igor. se quiser aprimorar ainda mais, recomendo que instale o Mapillary no seu celular e adicione ainda mais detalhes no mapa.

Using OSM in Mobile

@kartik It is available in both a free and paid version, the latter unlocks the download limit for offline maps, and provides access to Wikipedia POIs and their description from within the app.

theres nice plugins like mapillary and others like hillshade, countours and so on.

Using OSM in Mobile

OSMand+ is perfect with a lot of advance features.

Gravar tracks / trilhas usando gps automotivos

Bom. Se tiver possibilidade de utilizar o seu celular para tirar fotografias, utilize o Mapillary para capturar fotografias. É também muito útil para adicionar nova informação que não estão presentes nas fotografias de satélite.


glad you enjoyed Madeira. Hope my contributions were useful on your stay (been doing a lot of photomapping lately on Mapillary over here). We still have to improve bus routes, but im more interested in adding hiking routes, like the ones you saw on waymarket trails.

Sorting route relations

One thing I wished that would be fixed on that website is profile elevation when there’s tunnel (first node of tunnel elevation - last node of tunnel). Simple task to properly display the elevation of routes that have tunnels. Currently it doesn’t display elevation profile if a tunnel is part of the relation.

Public Transport Mapping, why do we add the stop details several times over?

PTv2 is the current schema. Some users are still using the old method as its easier to add stuff and you don’t have to be an “advanced” editor to edit relations and all that. Further info at

My point of view, it’s better to have bus stops in the old schema than not having the bus stops at all. Clearly the PTv2 is better, but is more time consuming to edit. Therefore advanced users should fix bus stops into PTv2 standards, simply because some users don’t know/care about relations or have time to edit in that schema.

Mapping the area of Le Thillot, Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle and Bussang

France is 99% on openaddress might help you on the address issue.

keep up the good work

Ruins of another sawmill

Looks good. Next time Mapillary it so we can do a virtual tour. Place looks great

San Juan City Mapa-thon for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resiliency Programs

great example. keep up the great work

GSoC Diary: Start of Community Bonding

boa iniciativa Pedro. Aguardamos pelos resultados. Continua com o bom trabalho