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CartoCrazy's Diary

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What a mess!!

Posted by CartoCrazy on 10 May 2021 in English.

Re.: (

I feel that the area in and around Munds Park, AZ has been very terribly rendered, most especially on the roads (for example, instead of showing smooth curves where they exist on the ground, they appear as jagged angles, or they do not follow the actually road path), and this is most obvious when zooming in

It is things like this that very greatly annoy me about OpenStreetMap, as it seems like someone did not wish to take the time to do the job right the first time, and now another user will have to make the adjustments and corrections to clean up the mess left behind.

I don’t know if anyone else feels the way that I do, but I just wanted to express my opinion on what could have otherwise been done properly I apologize if I am stepping on feet on this one… just trying to make OpenStreetMap a beautiful project for all to use.

How much is too much?

Posted by CartoCrazy on 20 October 2018 in English.

As you can see in this area (, it appears that every possible feature that can be rendered onto the map has been placed on it… houses, driveways, swimming pools, speed bumps, etc. You cannot barely see anything other than a mass of white dots representing the end of the driveways as they terminate at the houses they belong to (you can’t even see the outline of the houses through all of this unless you zoom in).

Maybe I am wrong, but it just seems like this is WAY TOO MUCH being shown, and it takes away from the true purpose of having a map for people to see the world around them.

Does anyone feel the same way I do about this?

Location: 0.000, 0.000