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bhietsch's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by bhietsch

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Bing Imagery Offset

Makes sense that the quality would vary by region, and definitely agree with systematic evaluation and checking GPX tracks. I was just always under the impression that Bing imagery in particular struggles with changes in elevation. Take for instance East Broad Street in my area, which goes up a hill with an average gradient of about 10%. As you can see, the building and road alignment changes quite a bit as you go up from Warren Street to Independence Road, despite only gaining about 160 ft.

So yes, n76, you can adjust alignment in iD, but it’s a little impractical because you’d need to be constantly adjusting it as you move around.

Another thing I’d like to start seeing is the date the image was taken… why hasn’t this been implemented yet? Seems like a simple thing to include next to the terms and conditions link in the bottom left, but is there something I’m missing that would complicate this?