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Viajero Perdido's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Viajero Perdido

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4160153 Viajero Perdido

In English, every word of a name is capitalized.

closed 3979381 Viajero Perdido

This bridge is gone! Source: survey, today. Looks like it was most recently a ferry crossing, but there's no ferry either.

open 4263080 Viajero Perdido

Badly connected service road.

closed 1176329 Viajero Perdido

Unless "TestPath" is the real name (which I doubt), it should be removed.

closed 3964360 Viajero Perdido

Trails should connect to the streets for better routing from the station. Thanks.

closed 3439679 Viajero Perdido

Not a reztaurant, just a house

closed 3439686 Viajero Perdido

Spelt "Coco's Bar & Restaurante"

closed 3439681 Viajero Perdido

Willie's Tours here not down street, my spelling matches sign.

closed 3439649 Viajero Perdido

This is Restaurante Las Olas. Source: survey (I'm sitting in it.)

closed 3525072 Viajero Perdido

My notes (ca 2017) say "berm block gate", so presumably motor_vehicle=private beyond here.

I'm writing a note instead of fixing it directly because another interested mapper may have newer info.

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