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Longbow4u's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Longbow4u

Post When Comment
Ye olde tale of the landuse=farmland tag

I am happy that landuse=farmland and landuse=farmyard are now becoming more common. Landuse=farm was very confusing for me, so it was not a good idea to begin with. A farm is a building in English, isn't it. In the coming months I try to close any gaps in my area, mostly landuse=farmland. If double use of "land" is ugly, why, no one ever sees this in the map tiles. Using JOSM, you usually don't have to type all the letters. For the key, "l" is enough to get landuse, and "f" suffices to get farmland (because of the presets). So, problem solved. Landuse=farm could be replaced by bots for landuse=farmland, or it could be kept as a synonym. It is unfortunate that the language communities interact so little a times, e.g. in your discussion. But this is probably due to language problems. Thank you for your essay. :-) Greetings from Germany.

Bremen in 3D

Die kleine Mühle ist ja süß! :-)

Best practice: offline mapping?

I usually only record the GPX-Track and write notes in a paper notebook. I draw a sketch of the road network and add numbers for the streetnames. At the side I keep a legend of the names and numbers. I apply a date to the sketch so I know which day I recorded which track. I add further details like position of housenumbers. In the evenings I edit in JOSM and upload to the database. It takes time, but I can split the task as needed. E.g. editing streetnames and road network one day, adding Points of interest, shops and housenumbers the other day. Obviously I do not write while driving. I turn the car to the side as needed to take notes. No fiddling with inadequate screens. Easy editing. Lot of details. :-)

Mein erster Blogbeitrag in OSM

Hi Udo,
Je mehr Du editierst, desto weiter Rücken die Kommentare mit den Rechtschreibfehlern nach hinten :-)
Ansonsten hackt ja jeder von uns mal einfach drauf los, wenn irgendwo eine Eingabebox ist. Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten.

Viel Spaß bei OSM!

Kleines How-To Hausnummern

Hallo Roman,
im Wiki steht, dass man sowohl die Methode mit Relationen als auch mit den Tags anwenden kann und das beide Lösungen mindestens gleichwertig sind. Vielleicht kann ja auch mal jemand ein Tutorial über die Hausnummerneingabe mit Relationen schreiben, am Besten mit Screenshots. Würde ich sehr begrüßen. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich am Relationeneditor (in JOSM) schon mehrfach gescheitert bin. Zu kompliziert.

Ich kann natürlich auch nur das beschreiben, was ich verstanden habe. ;-)


Garmin update.

You could add housenumbers in your neighbourhood. You do not need extra equipment like GPS devices - just read the documentation page on housenumbers and download JOSM. That would be very helpful. But as always in Open Source, no compensation is required. Have fun with the maps! :-)

Einweihung !

Nicht-kommerziell im Hinblick, dass eine Stiftung das Projekt betreibt, und dass das Produkt für Nachnutzer kostenlos erhältlich ist, ist zutreffend. Die Lizenz der Karte erlaubt aber auch die Verwendung in kommerziellen Webseiten und Programmen, was gerade auch den Reiz des Projekts ausmacht. Nicht-kommerziell - also Jein. Willkommen bei OSM :-)

Stadt Ober-Ramstadt vollständig erfasst!

Sehr schön geworden. Besonders die Gebäudeumrisse sind eine Fleißarbeit. Konntest Du dabei Luftbilder verwenden? Oder beruhen sie auf einer Lageschätzung? Mit mißtrauischen Menschen habe ich auch schon Erfahrung machen dürfen. Ich habe jetzt für die besonders aufdringlichen Anwohner immer OSM-Flyer dabei.

Schöne Grüße

OpenStreetMap rendering in 279 languages

Could the addition of the tags not be automated somehow? Most of the places have articles in multiple languages and therefore interwiki links. I think Daniel Kinzler (WP:User:Duesentrieb) works on a multilingual project for Wikimedia Commons. He translates English Commons categories with the words for the same concepts in different languages.

SOTM 2009 - Destaques

Working links:

SOTM 2009 - Destaques

Yahoo Babelfish translation and some adjustments, hope it comes as close as possible to the original:

"Already one week has passed since the congress and so far I could not continue the story here. I go to list quickly some of the most important and interesting points of what happened in the three days. In my opinion and in that of much of the people present, the most interesting project presented this year was the Walking Papers (video of the presentation in It deals with an ingenuous and functional idea - e.g. you can print a map of a certain place with marks in the edges of the paper, make diverse notations, for example numeration (of houses) and name of the streets, restrictions of traffic, etc and when the paper will be scanned, all its notations go to appear inside of the Potlatch in the correct place.

For me it was very interesting to also see a demonstration of a local consulting company called Geodan with Microsoft Surface using the maps of the project (demon: There is no more intuitive and entertaining method to navigate in maps. The machine they had installed in the entrance of the audience was always full of people playing with this novelty. The conference had a great focus this year in the aspect of the quality of the data of OSM. The quality comparison with commercial suppliers of data and ideas that are being implemented systematically in some places (the Germans are champions in this department) to verify and to improve the quality of the data.

And especially the 14 guests of the stipend program that had come from the entire world, from Colombia to Vietnam, and from Egypt, Geórgia, South Africa, among others, had given a " special flavor" to the event. The lectures of the scholarship holders had been very well attended and commented - it is incredible that some results still can be produced in countries like Cuba, where the citizens do not have permission to use GPS devices! In particular, the Brazilian lecture, presented by me and by Arlindo was well applauded. They had cut of a little of the promised time - we had to be contend with "miserable" eight minutes, but it was enough to give an interesting message. And sincerely, " tremí in bases" - to speak for the first time in front of an audience of that size and in English was not easy, but it was luck that Arlindo started his part of it with adequacy and we could tell what is happening (and what is necessary to happen) in Brazil.

It was, without a doubt an unique experience. To practically find all the great collaborators of the project in real life had a special effect. In identifying with the ideals and style of the people that give great contributions we start to see that it is possible for us also, therefore basically, we are very similar."

Auch Bilder möglich?

Meinst Du so etwas:

Man kann auf Wikimedia Commons Bilder hochladen, dort mit Geokoordinaten versehen und sich über den Wikimedia Toolserver auf einer OSM-Karte anzeigen lassen.

OSM selbst ist natürlich erstmal kein Bildarchiv wie flickr oder panoramio, Wikimedia Commons dagegen das freie Äquivalent. Die Usability vom Wikimedia Commons ist allerdings noch nicht so hoch wie bei panoramio (stelle ich mir vor, aber es ist möglich).

Mehr Informationen, wie man Bilder auf Commons mit Geokoordinaten versieht, hier:

und noch ein paar meter mehr...

Ich bin auf den beiden letzten Mapping-Trips in Dörfern jeweils angesprochen worden, die Blicke gar nicht mitgezählt. Die Leute sind derzeit extrem mißtrauisch, was Fremde angeht, die sich auffällig verhalten. Wahrscheinlich ein Resultat von Von der Leyens Medienhype. Fürchterlich.

GPX-Tracks löschen

Nein. Man sollte die Tracks in der Datenbank belassen, denn sie können noch nützlich sein.
1. sie sind ein Beweis, das die betreffenden Orte tatsächlich besucht wurden. Es kann dann nicht von dritter Seite (professionelle Kartendienste) behauptet werden, man hätte lediglich alles von ihren Karten abgezeichnet.
2. falls andere die Daten bearbeiten und unbeabsichtigt einzelne Straßen und Wege verschieben, so können diese Wege anhand der GPS-Tracks in der Datenbank wieder in Übereinstimmung gebracht werden.
3. GPS-Tracks sind für sich gesehen sehr ungenau. Je mehr Tracks man von der gleichen Strecke hat, je eher kann man statistisch den tatsächlichen Straßenverlauf erkennen.

First one...

Are you sure?

TK 10 verwenden?

Nein, die Vervielfältigung und Weitergabe darf nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung der Landesbetriebe Sachsen etc. geschehen.


Wir würden uns ja wohl auch kaum seit mehreren Jahren so viel Arbeit machen, wenn wir einfach irgendwo Karten kopieren könnten? Ist aber nicht so schlimm, mit etwas Zeit und der geeigneten Ausrüstung (GPS-Empfänger, JOSM-Editor) kann man relativ schnell selber schöne Karten herstellen.

Schöne Grüße,

Power cowboys

Well, I am not a power grid fan. But it is interesting to follow the lines in the OpenStreetMap and see where they go. So please continue (and all the others involved in tracing power lines)!

Internationalization of OSM map web page, more feature requests

@ wieland
Good idea. This is the social solution to the problem. Perhaps there could be a technical solution, too, though. But I will consider your proposal for my immediate need.


I18n for the OpenStreetMap website

Nice to see changes on the website.

I would like to see more improvements which could enhance usability even more.

I would like to see
*more nearby users locations on the map (currently there is a limit of about 10)
*the possibility to hide nearby users who are inactive (inactive for certain amount of time, e.g. more than 3 months), ->dead accounts
*see nearby users of other places, e.g. when I move the personal map. Currently, I have to define other home location to see other users.
*possibility to write personal notes about "friends" on OpenStreetMap to keep track, e.g. "active user, maps in place x" etc.
*possibility to search for specific tags one has applied to GPX tracks. So I could look for my GPX tracks of specific places. I use to tag my GPX tracks with the names of the locations.

I think those are my most immediate feature requests for the login website.
Is there a page where one can list these feature request, as there is for JOSM?


I18n for the OpenStreetMap website

Nice to see changes on the website.

I would like to see more improvements which could enhance usability even more.

I would like to see
*more nearby users locations on the map (currently there is a limit of about 10)
*the possibility to hide nearby users who are inactive (inactive for certain amount of time, e.g. more than 3 months), ->dead accounts
*see nearby users of other places, e.g. when I move the personal map. Currently, I have to define other home location to see other users.
*possibility to write personal notes about "friends" on OpenStreetMap to keep track, e.g. "active user, maps in place x" etc.
*possibility to search for specific tags one has applied to GPX tracks. So I could look for my GPX tracks of specific places. I use to tag my GPX tracks with the names of the locations.

I think those are my most immediate feature requests for the login website.
Is there a page where one can list these feature request, as there is for JOSM?
