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Lee Carré's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Lee Carré

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MapSplit format OSM data files

If this coverage is enough […]

That’s entirely adequate especially for a simple (minimal-node) polygon; includes all the major islands (and excluded ones are, apparently, disputed territory).


Thanks. Been using it regularly for a while, to great effect. I’ve non-trivially changed how I use Vespucci since, which makes my work-flow easier & more productive.

My overall data usage (including over 802.11) has reduced significantly. While out, I find that I’m spending more of that time actively surveying (rather than waiting for data transfers), including in poor-reception areas.

Preparation time (ensuring various apps have recent data) is also now minimal compared to before.

I imagine the load on the API hosts is much less, too, now. The ‘update data’ function used to take several minutes up complete, before.

The time-of-day when the files are generated is sensible, also; at least for European timezones. Capturing all of the previous day’s changes, but ready early enough to fetch first-thing each day.

The only possible complaint (about the data) is the interval of generation; sometimes changes made the same morning are then not available in-editor. However, that seems beyond the scope of a complementary service, and more frequent updates are achieved by generating the data oneself. Else, ideas for software modification I’ll (eventually, maybe over the winter) open GH issues for.

However, because editing activity is low, I’ve yet to encounter a conflict which I couldn’t resolve. Though, for areas with more activity, it may pose a problem.

So, overall, this component of offline-use very much achieves the desired goals for real-world usage. 👍🙂

MapSplit format OSM data files

Thankyou for your efforts with all of this. I use Vespucci often (I prefer surveying over armchair); it’s very good (especially given the limitations of nano-computers).

Within reason I can add more if there is interest.

I would be interested in being able to try this, with a view to using it regularly, for (the island / Bailiwick of) Jersey (else the Channel Islands as a whole). Particularly since I don’t have access to a micro-computer at the moment, and so can’t run mapsplit to generate the file(s) myself.

Some of the island’s more remote places have spotty connectivity (if it works at all, then you might get no better than 2G’s EDGE), and due to being an island tariffs for data are either not cheap or not generous. I pre-load via 802.11 before heading out, to minimise data transfer over the mobile network.

I have some ideas for further improving the offline experience, but I’ll raise them on Github.